Pet Owners

Pet dog playing with its owner

Pet Policy

Although we are in a National Park, we are dog friendly (dogs only – no other pets).

In order for us to be able to remain this way, we have a few guidelines that we need guests with dogs to adhere to, to ensure that everyone’s stay is enjoyable and we can continue accommodating your furry friends.

Dog policy on sites:

Dogs are allowed on your sites, but please refrain from bringing them into the playground, pool or BBQ areas as well as any park buildings including the office / kiosk, camp kitchen and amenities blocks.

Dogs mustn’t be left unattended while within the park – even within your own van. Dogs can get distressed in new environments and can become quite noisy and disruptive to surrounding guests. If you go out, you must take your dog with you.

When outside of your van, dogs need to be on a lead (with the other end attached to either your van or your person) of no longer than 3 metres.

Please clean up your dog excrement immediately and dispose of in the provided rubbish bins. Doggy bags are available from the front office.

Please ensure that you keep your dog under adequate control and suitably quiet at all times.

Dogs nor their bedding / items are not to be washed in our washing basins or washing machines / dryers for hygiene reasons.


Dog policy in accommodation:

Some of our accommodation is dog friendly – before bringing your furry friend, please ensure that you have booked an appropriate dog friendly option and that you have booked them in.

Guests’ dogs are allowed in dog friendly accommodation only. If a cabin is not dog friendly, please don’t take it into accommodation (including onto the outside decking) unless you have spoken with park management.

Only the booked guest’s dog is allowed in the dog friendly accommodation – visitors dogs must be kept outside.

When staying in our dog friendly accommodation, please bring your dog’s own bedding and don’t allow him / her on furniture or bedding within the accommodation.

Please refrain from bringing your dog into the playground, pool or BBQ areas as well as any park buildings (excluding your cabin) including the office / kiosk, camp kitchen and amenities blocks.

Dogs mustn’t be left unattended while within the park – even within your accommodation or tied up outside. Dogs can get distressed in new environments and can become quite noisy and disruptive to surrounding guests and cause damage to accommodation. If you go out, you must take your dog with you.

When outside of your accommodation, dogs need to be on a lead (with the other end attached to your person) of no longer than 3 metres.

Please clean up your dog excrement immediately and dispose of in the provided rubbish bins. Doggy bags are available from the front office.

Dogs nor their bedding / items are not to be washed in our washing basins or washing machines / dryers for hygiene reasons.

We enjoy being able to welcome dogs into our park, but if any of the above terms and conditions are not adhered to, we reserve the right to ask you to leave The Park with no refund being offered.

Any damage caused by your dog to park property or excessive mess not cleaned up prior to departure (including excessive dog hair in accommodation or washing machines) up will be charged to your guest account.

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