Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of your stay:

Belair National Park Holiday Park is a privately owned Holiday Park and will be referred to herein as "The Park."

Persons entering The Park are bound by these Terms & Conditions and enter at their own risk. During your time within The Park, take care to observe and follow all signage and instructions that you may be given. Take care at all times to protect yourself and others against loss or injury.

Persons entering the park agree and undertake to release the Park & it’s Owners operators employees and contractors from any liability to any person in respect of any loss or damage (including but not limited to personal injury or loss or damage to property) which may be suffered or incurred or which may arise directly or indirectly from or in connection to the use of the Site, to the full extent permitted by law.

In particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, The Park owners have obtained expert advice as to extant trees on The Park, and have taken reasonable steps to follow such advice, for the limitation and mitigation of risk by falling trees or limbs. Persons entering The Park assume risk that in the event of a tree or limb falling, which is outside the control of The Park, damage may occur to property, or death or injury may occur to an animal.

All persons entering The Park warrant that they carry appropriate insurance for replacement of all property brought onto The Park, and for death and disability to persons; or in the event that they do not carry such insurance, warrant that they have chosen not to obtain such insurance and assume responsibility and liability for any loss or damage that may arise.

  1. Cancellations and Refunds -

    For all bookings excluding those falling under the “Peak Times” category below:

    Standard Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to arrival will be issued with a full refund minus a $25 administration fee per booking or per site within a group booking. Cancellations received 7 days or less than, prior to arrival will be refunded in full, minus a charge equivalent to 1 night’s accommodation. Booking amendments may be made up to 3 days prior to original date of arrival at no cost, after this time they will have a $25 administration fee applied. No refunds/credits will be given for weather conditions orlate arrivals/early departures once the booking has commenced.

    Peak Times Cancellation Policy:

    Christmas/New Years fortnight, Easter weekend and Public Holiday bookings. Cancellations received more than 30 days prior to check in will be issued with a full refund minus a $25 administration fee per booking or per site within a group booking. Cancellations received 15-30 days prior to arrival will receive a credit equivalent to the monies paid on that booking (minus a $25 administration fee), held for 12 months under the guest name, to be used towards a future booking, where it will then become non-refundable. Cancellations received less than 15 days prior to arrival and no shows will incur the loss of all monies paid, ie. if total amount has been paid, it cannot be refunded. Refunds cannot be given for late arrivals or early departures. Booking amendments may be made up to 14 days prior to original date of arrival at no cost – any positive difference in monies already paid will be held as a credit under the guest name. Booking amendments (of more than 3 days from original arrival date) made within 14 days of arrival will be treated as a cancellation and new booking.

  2. Prices - Are subject to change without notice.

  3. Deposits and Payments - All bookings require a deposit of one night accommodation charge, due within 2 days of booking. The remainder can be paid at arrival or prior to the day of arrival via our Guest Portal or direct deposit to Name: Davval SA Pty Ltd, BSB: 065 132, Account: 1035 1080 (please email remittance to stay@belairnpholidaypark.com.au). For Christmas/New Year, Easter and Public Holiday bookings, payment must be received in full by 28 days prior to your arrival date.

  4. Fees and Security Bond - A $25 administration fee is applied to all cancelled reservations or short notice (within 3 days) reservation amendments. A credit card pre-authorisation of $100 is required on arrival for all accommodation bookings. This authorisation will be held until 7 days after you have departed. If you cannot provide a credit card, a $100 cash bond will be acceptable. Bank account details will need to be provided and the bond will be returned by EFT once the room has been cleaned. In the case of damage, loss or excessive cleaning, we have permission to recover this cost from the credit card or cash bond.

  5. Accessing the Park - Guests and visitors enter and stay at The Park at their own risk. By entering The Park, guests and visitors agree to indemnify The Park Owner against any loss or liability, cost, expense, or damages arising from or in relation to their entry either by person, vehicle or otherwise. The Park’s Owner is not liable, nor does it accept responsibility for any loss or damage to any person or property or the death of or injury suffered by any person or animal whilst at The Park. Guests are encouraged to secure their valuables. Lost property is kept for 90 days.

  6. Children and Minors - Bookings will not be accepted for a person under the age of 18 without an accompanying responsible adult. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised always, including but not limited to whilst within the pool area, amenities and communal kitchen and TV room.

  7. Booking Responsibility and Damages / Loss - Bookings must be made under the name of the guest staying at The Park. The person who pays the account or whose credit card is provided to secure the booking is responsible for the conduct of their booked guest(s) and is liable for any loss or damage caused by them to The Park infrastructure including but not limited to accommodation buildings, fixtures and fittings, amenity blocks and BBQ facilities, site power poles on the caravan site or entry and exit boom gates. Any intentional damage to or theft of park equipment will be reported to SAPOL.

  8. Check In - Check Out - Arrival time for sites is between 12 noon and 10pm on your day of arrival and accommodation is from 2pm. Departure is strictly 10am unless otherwise arranged with the office. Upon departure, your site should be left clear of rubbish and personal belongings. If, in the opinion of Management, cleaning required after a guest’s departure is excessive, the cost of cleaning will be charged to the guest.

  9. Vehicles - All guests are required to have a vehicle on site with them, in case of park evacuation. Guests who arrive without a car will not be allowed to stay and the standard refund policy will apply. All vehicles are required to have compulsory third party insurance and must only be driven by a licensed driver.

  10. Boom Gate - Upon arrival, please park outside of the boom gate (without restricting access to the boom gate) and attend the office where you will be allocated a boom gate access code for the duration of your stay. Please use this code even when boom arm is up. Only 1 car is permitted to enter The Park under each booking. Please no tailgating through the boom gate. Tailgating or bringing unauthorised second vehicles into The Park will cause your code to be disabled and incurrence of a $25 administration charge.

  11. Additional Persons - Standard prices (unless listed otherwise) are for 2 people staying in the chosen accommodation. Children under the age of 2 can stay free of charge on a site and in a cabin/cottage if not using a bed. Additional guests are charged at $10 per night on a site and $20 per night in a cabin or cottage. Count of all guests staying in your accommodation must be registered at the office.

  12. Re-Allocation - While all efforts are made to keep guests on requested sites, we reserve the right to move bookings to different allocations within The Park when required.

  13. Guest Etiquette and Respectful Stay - Guests are asked to be respectful of others during their stay:

    1. Common areas should be vacated, and noise and music should be ceased prior to 10pm each evening and should not commence prior to 8am each morning

    2. Guests must maintain their site in a neat and tidy condition and free of rubbish throughout their stay

    3. Please ensure all children 12 years and under have returned to your site by dusk

    4. Please minimize walking through other guests' sites and ask children to do the same

    Management reserve the right to refuse entry or immediately evict any guest (without refund), visitor or member of the public from The Park, at its discretion for, including but not limited to; anti-social behaviour, causing damage to property, disturbance to other guests, suspected illegal activity, using offensive language or otherwise contravening Park Terms & Conditions.

  14. Dog Policy - Selected dogs are allowed in The Park on sites and in dog friendly cabins. However, they must always be kept on a lead and must not be left unsupervised while in The Park. Aggressive / banned / hunting dogs will not accepted to stay. Please clean up your dog excrement immediately. Strictly no dogs are allowed in any Park buildings (excluding dog friendly cabins), on any furniture / beds within dog friendly cabins, or inside the pool area. No washing or drying of pets or pet items in the washing machines, dryers or Park basins in accordance with health regulations. No visitors' pets are allowed in cabins and no other pets, apart from dogs are allowed in The Park. Please see point 16 below for additional cleaning charges relating to dogs.

  15. Smoking Policy - Smoking is not permitted within any Park buildings or within 10 metres of the pool, BBQ or playground areas. ALL cabins are non-smoking – a $200 deodorising fee applies and will be charged to your credit card if Management believe that smoking has taken place within accommodation.

  16. Accommodation Cleanliness - All accommodation is self-contained. Please leave your accommodation in a clean and tidy manner with dishes washed upon departing. Failure to leave accommodation in an acceptable state – in Management opinion (including failure to clean up dog hair) will incur an additional cleaning charge of $40 per hour and $15 to wash left dishes. A complimentary mid-stay towel change is provided for stays over 7 nights and rooms are serviced weekly for stays over 14 nights (or for shorter stays, at a charge of $50 per service or $15 per bed linen change).

  17. Contained Fire Policy - Fire pits are allowed in The Park outside of fire danger season only. This is typically during the months of May through to October, however Management can advise on the current season and exact dates. Fire pits are available for hire and firewood can be purchased at the office. If you bring firewood, please ensure that it is untreated, unpainted hard wood for a cleaner burn and to reduce the effect on air quality. Fire pits must have adult supervision at all times and must be extinguished by 10pm. A bucket of water or hose must be kept nearly at all times.

  18. Visitors - Day visitors must park outside of the boom gate and need to depart The Park by 10pm. Additional overnight guests must register with the office and pay the overnight fee.

  19. Car Parking - There is a maximum of 1 car per site / accommodation, either parked on own site or next to the accommodation. Please do not park in roadways or on other sites. Please register all vehicles at the office on arrival. Additional cars can be parked in the large carpark outside of the boom gate. NO Cars are to be parked in the unpowered campground due to safety reasons – a nearby carpark is available for these cars and a $25 charge applies for each non-compliance. Please ask staff about your alternative site options should this not suit you.

  20. Prohibited Items - The following list of items are not permitted into The Park and are subject to immediate confiscation and where required, reported to SAPOL:

    1. Illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia

    2. Flares or Fireworks

    3. Prohibited weapons, items and explosives as listed on the SAPOL website

    4. Any other item determined by Management to potentially cause offence, injury or public nuisance

  21. Photography - Staff may take photos of the park and guests, from time to time, to include in advertising platforms. Please let staff know should you not wish to have your photo included on any advertising platforms. Where the photo is of your property, ID plates will be blurred.

Additional park information and guidelines are listed on the back of your park map at arrival, please also familiarise yourself with these.
We look forward to welcoming you and hosting your stay within the tranquil surrounds of the Belair National Park. Enjoy your stay!

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